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Information and Treatment Options for Seasonal Allergies

Allergies are an abnormal response by the immune system to a foreign substance (allergen) such as pollen, dander, mold, or peanuts. Allergies are a common problem that affects approximately 20% of people in America.

Your body produces natural antibodies that protect you from viruses, bacteria, and other harmful substances. When you have allergies, your body thinks a harmless substance is a foreign invader. The reaction of your immune system can cause skin inflammation, irritated airways, nasal congestion, and digestive upset. If possible, it’s best to avoid the irritating substance, but there are also medications that can increase tolerability.

The severity of symptoms can be mild or potentially life threatening. In the most severe situations, a person can suffer from anaphylaxis, the most severe type of allergic reaction that causes respiratory difficulties, throat swelling, and low blood pressure. Most allergies can’t be cured, but there are treatments that can reduce the severity of symptoms.


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Top Allergy Prescription Medications Prescribed Online by

Flonase is an anti-inflammatory nasal spray used to treat symptoms of indoor and outdoor nasal allergies and year-round non-allergic nasal symptoms reducing inflammation. BUY NOW
Nasacort is a nasal spray that relieves nasal symptoms of seasonal and year-round allergies in adults and children 6 years of age and older and works within 12-16 hours. BUY NOW
Nasonex daily nasal spray provides 24-hour relief and can be used to help prevent most seasonal nasal allergy symptoms before they start in patients 12 years and older. BUY NOW
Patanol is a powerful and soothing prescription eye drop medication for treatment of the signs and symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis (pink eye), with just one drop twice a day.BUY NOW


Allergies Top facts

Approximately 50 million Americans suffer from allergies. Allergies are the fifth most common type of chronic disease in all people and the third most common type of chronic disease in children. Allergies can be seasonal or perennial, depending on the cause of the allergies. People who are allergic to pollens, grasses, and weeds tend to suffer from seasonal allergies, while people sensitive to dust mites, animal dander, mold, or food can suffer from allergies all year long.


Allergy types

People can be allergic to food, pets, pollen, mold, and many other seemingly innocuous substances. After being exposed to the substance, the body will produce an allergy response that causes symptoms.

Common food allergies include:

  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Wheat
  • Nuts

Common seasonal allergies include:

  • Pollen
  • Ragweed
  • Mold

Common pet allergies include:

  • Dogs
  • Cats

Other allergens include:

  • Poisonous plants like poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac
  • Insect stings from bees, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, and fire ants
  • Medications like penicillin, aspirin, and other drugs
  • Cosmetics and perfumes
  • Chemicals and preservatives


Allergies symptoms - causes

Allergy symptoms depend on what type of allergen caused the reaction. Allergic reactions can involve the respiratory system, skin, and/or digestive system.

Respiratory allergy symptoms include:

  • Congestion
  • Itchy and runny nose
  • Itchy, red, and watery eyes

Skin allergy symptoms include:

  • Itchy skin
  • Red skin
  • Dry, peeling, or flaking skin

Food allergy symptoms include:

  • Tingling mouth
  • Swollen lips, tongue, and throat
  • Hives
  • Anaphylaxis

Insect sting allergy symptoms include:

  • Swelling at the location of the sting
  • Itching and hives
  • Coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath
  • Anaphylaxis

Drug allergy symptoms include:

  • Hives
  • Itchy skin
  • Rash
  • Facial swelling
  • Coughing and wheezing
  • Anaphylaxis


Living with allergies

If possible, avoid contact with allergens. If you suffer from outdoor allergies, keep your windows closed. Filter the air and make sure your air ducts are cleaned at least once per year. In the car, keep the windows closed and recirculate the air inside the cabin.

If you are allergic to dust, wear a mask and gloves when cleaning. Vacuum at least twice per week and choose hardwood flooring instead of carpet when possible. Avoid Venetian blinds or long drapes, which can collect dust.

If you are allergic to mold, keep the humidity in the house below 50%. Avoid areas where mold tends to collect including basements, garages, and barns. Clean your bathroom regularly with solutions that kill mold.


Allergies Treatment

There are several over-the-counter and prescription medications to treat allergies. Commonly used medications include corticosteroids, antihistamines, nasal sprays, creams, eye drops, and decongestants. Talk to your doctor about your treatment choices.

Corticosteroids can reduce inflammation associated with allergies. These drugs prevent your body from manufacturing the chemicals that cause allergy symptoms. Corticosteroids are highly effective for treating allergies, but they must be taken daily in order to benefit. Common nasal corticosteroids used to treat allergies include:

  • Nasonex - A corticosteroid used to treat allergy symptoms. Works for indoor and outdoor allergies.
  • Nasacort - A nasal spray used to treat allergy symptoms.
  • Flonase - A synthetic corticosteroid used to treat allergy symptoms.

Side effects of corticosteroids include mouth, throat, and nasal irritations, nosebleeds, eye infections, skin discoloration, and muscle weakness. Let your doctor know if you have issues with high blood pressure or glaucoma.

Antihistamines have been used for many years to treat allergy symptoms. These drugs block the release of the histamines that cause allergy symptoms. Two effective prescription medications used to treat allergies include:

  • Clarinex - A tablet used to treat allergy symptoms.
  • Patanol - Eye drops used to relieve allergy symptoms.

Antihistamines are typically taken with decongestants. These medications come as pills, liquids, and nasal sprays and provide temporary relief from symptoms. Over the counter decongestants and antihistamines can cause tiredness. There are newer medications available over-the-counter and by prescription that have daytime formulations. Other side effects of antihistamines and decongestants include dry mouth, dizziness, headache, nausea, as well as mouth, throat, and nasal irritation.

The drugs you use depend on the type of allergies you have. Your doctor can help you choose the right medication based on your symptoms.
